
Towards a more sustainable future

Sustainability is driving the future of safe and secure logistics. At HAZGO, we are convinced that it is our responsibility to contribute to providing the most ecological logistics solutions. That is why sustainability is embedded in our business model and part of our vision for the future. We focus on sustainable packaging innovations, reverse logistics and fleet management. Because we truly believe sustainable globalisation can change the world for the better.

Sustainable innovation

We are convinced we can contribute by spearheading what we can change for the better. This means opting for recyclables and renewals when possible, favouring electric and hybrid vehicles, developing optimised reverse logistic chains for our services, and installing energy-saving and energy-efficient systems in our offices and warehouses. At HAZGO, we strongly believe innovation drives sustainability. This is why we invest in innovative technology to do business more sustainably in the future.

Reverse logistics

Sustainability is a mindset. That is why we are continuously looking for new renewable products, more sustainable materials, and reverse logistics opportunities. For example, our traditional and isothermal packaging material has become more sustainable. And we are striving to make reusable packaging the new HAZGO standard. At HAZGO, we strongly believe in changing for the better. This is why investments in sustainability are critical to our business and planned for accordingly.

Fleet management

HAZGO is investing in a sustainable fleet based on electric and hybrid vehicles. For example, all of our vans will be replaced by a hybrid or electric alternative as soon as possible. We will not only reduce our own ecological footprint, but we also improve the sustainability scores of our clients. At HAZGO, we believe in tangible commitments and measurable results. It is not what you claim that will make a difference. It is what you do. By investing in sustainable alternatives and driving innovation, we contribute to changing the world for the better.

Sustainability is a mindset. It is not what you claim that will make a difference. It is what you do.

Uri Lauwers

It is everyone’s responsibility to contribute to a better world. At HAZGO, we have made sustainability a solid part of our business model.

Gregory Moriau


We welcome tough challenges. Contact us for a tailor-made solution.
